
Basic Principles of Ayurveda

Ayurveda The two basic principles of Ayurveda
To maintain the health of a healthy people (preventive)
To cure the disease of sick people (curative)

In Ayurveda every human being is made of five elements (pancha-mahabhuta) which are air, water, fire, earth and space. When any of the element in the body is imbalanced which result is negative impact on health. Ayurveda identifies three different types of energy (dosha) that are present in every human being. The three energy are vata, kapha, and pitta.
Properties of tridosha

VATA: Space and Air
Vata is a term stemming from the Sanskrit word vayuu, meaning “that which moves.” Vata dosha is associated with movement ,respiration, speech, blood circulation, excretion, conduction of impulses of neurons. It is composed of air and space. The main actions of Vata is related with respiration, speech, blood circulation, excretion, conduction of impulses of neurons. Vata promotes creativity and flexibility. Any imbalances of vata dosha results in fear and anxiety. Vata is pelvic cavity and specifically the large intestine.

PITTA: Fire and Water
Is a term originating from the Sanskrit word pinj, meaning “to shine expresses as the body’s metabolic system made up of Fire and Water. It governs digestion, vision, hunger, thirst, softness of body, glowing of skin, intelligence, hate. Balance in pitta dosha promotes understanding and intelligence and any imbalance in pitta dosha can result in anger, hatred and jealousy.

KAPHA: Water and Earth
Is a term that is derived from the Sanskrit word “shlish,” meaning “that which holds things together. Kapha is the energy that forms the body’s structure. It provides bodily structure and increases stability. Kapha lubricates the joints and oleates the body parts, helps in the proper attachment of tissues, gives weight to the body, increases sexual potency-strength-forgiveness and greedlessness. In balance, kapha results in love, calmness and forgiveness. Imbalance of kapha leads to attachment, greed and envy. The predominant site of Kapha is chest(thoracic cavity)

Being the science of life has 2 main objectives. The 1st objective is to continue the condition of health i.e. preventive approach while the 2nd objective is to treat the disease when anyone falls ill i.e. curative approach. To attain these objectives and remain healthy , Ayurveda focuses on balancing the 3 energies (Doshas) of the body i.e. Vata, Pitta, Kapha. The basis of Ayurvedic system lies on knowing these energies(Doshas) and keep them in balanced state. So, let’s know about these 3 energies (Doshas) on brief:

Vata is the body-energy which has the properties like dryness, lightness, coolness, mobility, subtleness etc. It is related with the movement processes occurring in our body. The main actions of Vata is related with respiration, speech, blood circulation, excretion, conduction of impulses of neurons etc. Although, 3 Doshas are present all over the body but the main site of Vata is pelvic cavity and specifically the large intestine. The predominant site of Pitta is between the stomach and duodenum.

Pitta is the body-energy which has properties like oily, sharpness, hotness, lightness, foul-smelling, liquidity etc. Pitta is related with the body temperature and digestion. The metabolic activity in our body is done by digestive-fire(Agni) which attains its energy from Pitta. The action of Pitta is related with digestion, vision, hunger, thirst, softness of body, glowing of skin, intelligence, hate etc. It has 5 subtypes. The predominant site of Pitta is between the stomach and duodenum.

Kapha is the body-energy which has the properties like coolness, bulkiness, unctuousness, heaviness, greasiness etc. Gives structure to the body and increases stability on it. Kapha lubricates the joints and oliates the body parts, helps in the proper attachment of tissues, gives weight to the body, increases sexual potency-strength-forgiveness and greedlessness. It has 5 subtypes. The predominant site of Kapha is chest(thoracic cavity).

Finally, the condition of health is only achieved when there is harmonious balance in these 3 Doshas(energies),

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