Tag: online education

पन्जाबमा महिला शिक्षा निशुल्क

पन्जाबमा क्याप्टेन अमरेन्द्र सिंह नेतृत्वको सरकार छ । अहिले पन्जाबमा महिलाहरुलाई बिधायस्तररिय शिक्षादेखि पीएचडीसम्म निशुल्क शिक्षाको प्रावधान ल्याइएको छ, प्रान्तिय सरकारको यो कदमलाई सर्वत्र चर्चा अनि समर्थन गरिएको छ ।

College of Central State Initiated Public Health Awareness Program on World Health Day

College of Central State located in Soltimode, Kalimati makes their students involve in various extracurricular activities. Science, arts and management courses are taught in this particular college. This college is

online education in Nepal
Is your college online?

With nearly three million students currently enrolled in fully online programs and six million taking at least one online course as a part of their degree, online education has clearly