
Premium lifestyle news portal of Nepal, delivering reviews of global events, incidents and their repercussions for the Nepali community and others, redefining cultural essence and generating a different perspective, unprecedented analytics, and anecdotes, Your new window to gaze the world.

Above the mainstream political news and instant media contents, Livemandu is a common platform for citizen journalism and a digital interface which values voices. Our first and last mantra is the blog which institutionalize voices, the living voices, heard or unheard.

We focus on inspirations to the Nepali diaspora community by showcasing lifestyle stories, changes and anecdotes of normal life and replicable values. Claiming the first of its kind in Nepali journalism practice, Livemandu is not an Orthodox news portal yet Livemandu delivers the unprecedented approach to global news and it’s reviewed, presents cultural research articles and bringing the global literature closer by breaking the language barrier to Nepali readers through translations and bridging international readers through English contents. Livemandu, a new window to gaze the world, feel the national sensation and live the Kasthamandap way.

Livemandu is a meaningful combo of Life and Kathmandu essence and Bagmati civilization, live the Kathmandu way, feel the Mandu way. Livemandu therefore spreads positivity, our contents frequently reminds of the aspect and aspirations which we have forgotten due to the modern busy living way, we alarm our civilization and redefine humanity, Livemandu is an aspiration to show the way we have long forget to step into, it’s a meaningful flashback of our roots.

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