Hamro Patro

Seven Days Seven Features Video Available in Hamro Patro Now

Are you reading Seven days, seven features? I have been describing one new feature each day. And this is the third day of seven days, seven features.

We are so happy to be bringing such great features that touch the lifestyle of Nepali people. Let’s talk about today’s special feature and also let’s turn few pages of past decades.

Are you one of those video lovers who used to collect money in their society and buy a CD and video deck to watch it for just one evening? The new generation may not be familiar with these things but the starting of video in Nepali community started from such decks, television news and TV serials.

How can I forget our Buwa watching Ramayana every Thursday without even blinking his eyes and all the kids gathered in that one house of the society which had TV to watch the newly released movie on a Saturday evening. The hustle of managing the antenna is even more memorable. That love for videos and those slippers outside of TV room. Today technology has certainly changed things and I am presenting you how Hamro Patro is incorporating the search and viability of videos in it.

We spend a lot of time in YouTube searching videos from various sources but not anymore. All video lovers will now enjoy the new feature of Hamro Patro. The Hamburger menu in your updated version of Hamro Patro has a video option and you can view various video options like, trending, entertainment, news, sports. And by clicking on the desired option, you can watch your desired video. Since Hamro Patro is trying to make your daily life easier and simplified, videos play a crucial role. We will be keeping all the episodes of reality shows like The Voice of Nepal, Ko Bancha Crorepati as soon as they get aired in TV. You don’t have to waste a lot of time searching new episodes of your favorite shows.

We can ensure that this new video feature of Hamro Patro is going to be fruitful. But to enjoy these new features, make sure you are logged in. You can easily login through your face book or Gmail.

I will come up with description of forth feature tomorrow. Stay tuned.


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