Tag: education

Post COVID reality for NAMI

Covid-19 has sure affected the whole world, from business to education sector to our day to day lives in general. But as humans, we together have adapted to this new

Nature Based early childhood education in Nepal

So much have been narrated about Nature Based early childhood education in Nepal but my question is how far are Nepali preschools able to implement this innovative and playful concept

‘नेपाली स्याट-१’ भुउपग्रहसंगै नेपाल अन्तरिक्ष युगमा प्रवेश गर्दै

३ बैशाख, २०७६ । विश्व प्रविधिले हर सेकेण्ड नयाँ चुनौति तथा अविस्कार गरीरहेको २१ औं शताब्दीमा हामी भने अझै नविन प्रयोगका नाममा हुने प्रविधिगत विकासको साना संकेतहरुमा रमाएका छौं ।

Women in Vedas

यथेमां वाचं कल्याणीमावदानि जनेभ्यः। ब्रह्मराजन्याभ्यां शूद्राय चार्याय च स्वाय चारणाय॥ How I shared these valuable words without my surveillance towards discrimination, I request all of the listeners and the observers