Tag: China

3000 people in Tokyo & 300 people in Paris participated in protest march against China’s human rights violations

Nearly 3,000 persons belonging to and supporting the Tibetan, Uighur, Mongolian, Hong Kong, Taiwan people against atrocities and human rights violations by China marched from different parts of Tokyo on

Indo-Sino Lipulekh Treaty: Ignominy to Nepal

The concept of statehood has raised the importance of border system. The idea of statehood provides an exclusivity and a sense of ownership. Nepal is surrounded by two countries, China

Australia admission day

Australia has been a default destination for millions of Nepali students since a long time. Educational pursuit in Australia is proved to be very lucrative, affordable and career oriented for

china expressway
चीनको बिचित्र चित्र

पछिल्लो समय चीनले विकासको धेरै नै फड्को मारेको छ । केहि दशक अगाडी सम्म चरम अभाव र आन्तरिक द्वन्दमा फसेको चीनबाट नेपालले पनि पाठ सिकेर अगाडी बढ्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ ।

के होला चिनमा आइफोनको बजार ?

शत्ति राष्ट्रहरु बिच बिभिनन कुराहरुलाई लिएर बिबाद भइरहेको हुन्छ । सुरक्षा, सिमाना, हस्तक्षेप तथा प्रविधिका विषयसँग जोडिएको कुराहरुमा सधै ठुला देशहरु अमेरिका, चाइना, रसिया तथा जापान जस्ता देशहरु बिच बिबाद