English Edition
Do you have Intermittent Explosive Disorder ?(an outburst of violence and anger)

Here is an incident about Intermittent Explosive Disorder and its treatment. – (patient making an angry face) before we start this I want to know if this session will finish

Sleeping baby
5 proven tips that will help you fall asleep faster

Just like balanced diet and regular exercise sleep is really important for your mind and body to function well. While sleep requirements change from person to person an adult requires

What are the reasons behind sudden death of young people in abroad?

What are the reasons behind sudden death of youth in foreign land? What are the assumptions made about this sudden death?  What are the preventive measures to apply for avoiding

Nepal Tourism Board

Nepal Tourism Board News Release January 13, 2019 Vienna sees Nepal Tourism Fair ‘Ferien-Messe Wien in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria concluded today. Nepal stall with 9 square meter

women reading veda
महिलाद्धारा सामुहिक वेद पाठ गरी यज्ञ हुँदै

नेपाल भरी नै मनाइने पर्व मकर सक्रान्ती तथा माघी पर्वको उपलक्ष्यमा पोखराको ढुंगेसाँघुमा महिलाद्धारा वेद पाठ गरी यज्ञ गरिने भएको छ । महिलाद्धारा गर्न लागिएको वेद पाठमा भारत देखि विभिन्न विघामा

Swami Vivekananda quote
Swami Vivekananda Thoughts and Quotes to Nourish Our Wisdom

To start with, let’s learn who Swami Vivekananda was. He was an Indian monk, a self disciple and one of the celebrated spiritual leaders in Hinduism. In the early stages

What is depression? What are the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder?

The difference between depression and major depressive disorder Let’s discuss about Adjustment depression If life doesn’t turn the way we want it to be, we stress out. Our mind maybe

If Osho was alive

Osho left this earth in January 19, 1990. He is recognized by various names including Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Osho and Philosopher Rajneesh. If there is anyone who can translate the

  Osho: the one who loved flowers

On January 19, we will be marking 29th anniversary of Osho’s death. His logical things and his great words have also influenced human sensitivity, consciousness and society. We would like

mrs. Nepal Tourism
Mrs. Nepal Tourism 2019 को फर्म २८ गते सम्म

Last Audition On: 28th Poush 2075 ———————————– ☆ Mrs. Nepal Tourism 2019☆ ———–Season 2———- —‘Together for Tourism’— ++ Contact: 9861218421/ 9810038666 ++ Last Audition Date On : 28th Poush, 2075